ADED Town Hall August 19, 2021

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DriveSafety assessment and treatment interventions to support the CDRS

Speakers: Susie Touchinsky, OTR/L, SCDCM, CDRS and Johnell Brooks, PhD


When used properly, simulators are a valuable assessment and intervention tool for addressing a range of client factors (cognitive, visual, motor). While simulators do not replace on-road evaluations and training, simulators can be utilized to provide a repeatable, low-risk phased approach that is tailored specifically to the client’s needs. The DriveSafety phased approach allows the clinician to safely work on specific driving skills (e.g. steering, pedal usage, reaction times, visual scanning). For a client recovering from a mild stroke impacting coordination of the left arm and leg, the clinician could begin by working on steering tasks, then move to just pedal tasks, and then eventually work on combined tasks. Once mastered, the client would then progress into driving scenarios to practice the combined skills. Using this phased approach allows the clinician to assess and sharpen individual skills in preparation for in-vehicle work with the specialist. The phased approach was carefully designed to minimize simulator sickness.

Learning objectives:

  • Identify the value of DriveSafety's phased approach which uses a combination of interactive exercise and driving scenarios.
  • Identify the process that should be used within a clinic to reduce simulator sickness.

ADED Town Hall meetings are offered to ADED members only. Contact hours are not available for these meetings, but invaluable information is provided to help you stay informed of products and services to help your clients and enhance your practice. This Town Hall will be recorded and made available in the Members Only section of eLearning after the event.

ADED believes that information about products and services that could benefit drivers and/or vehicle passengers with disabilities and the aging should be made available to professionals in the driver rehabilitation specialist community to help them make informed choices for evaluation, training, referrals, and recommendations. As such, reference to specific products, services, organizations, or claims made in ADED Sponsored Town Hall Meetings does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by ADED, nor does exclusion suggest disapproval. While we make every effort to provide accurate and reliable information, ADED does not control or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or efficacy of information contained in any advertisement or sponsorship.

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